
Reversal of string in Scala using recursive function

Reversal of String in Scala using recursive function – object reverseString extends App { val s = “24Tutorials” print(revs(s)) def revs(s: String): String = { // if (s.isEmpty) “” if (s.length == 1)  s else revs(s.tail) + s.head //else revs(s.substring(1)) + s.charAt(0) } } } Output: slairotuT42

Scala Important topics-Interview questions

Q1) CASE Classes: A case class is a class that may be used with the match/case statement. Case classes can be pattern matched Case classes automatically define hashcode and equals Case classes automatically define getter methods for the constructor arguments. Case classes can be seen as plain and immutable data-holding objects that should exclusively depend on their constructor arguments. Case classes contain a companion object which holds the apply method. This fact makes possible to instantiate a case class without the new keyword. Q2) Pattern Matching Scala has a built-in general pattern matching mechanism. It allows to match on any sort of data with a first-match policy object MatchTest1 extends App { def matchTest(x: Int): String = x match { case 1 => “one” case 2 =>...

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