Python is pure object-oriented, everything variable is an object. Unlike Java, you no need to declare a variable and specify its datatype. It is intelligent enough to infer the datatype automatically.
Below is the syntax to declare a variable in Python. Just specify name and use (=) operator to assign a value.
[code lang=”python”]
a = 6
b = 7
Output: 6 7
To check the datatype of the variable use – type() method.
[code lang=”python”]type(a)[/code]
Output: class <Int>
You can also explicitly define the variable to specific datatype-like int(value),float(value),str(value)
[code lang=”python” highlight=”float(5)” light=”false”]float_var = float(5)
Output: 5.0 class <float>
To define a string variable you can use double or Single quotes-
[code lang=”python”]str_var = "Sample String"
str_var2 = ‘string value’
Output: Sample String class <string>
Multiple Assignment:
You can assign single value at a time to multiple variable-
[code lang=”python”]a = b = c = 0
Output: 0 0 0
You can assign multiple values to multiple variables in single line-
[code lang=”python”]a = b = c = 0,1,2
Output: 0 1 2
Mixing different variables with different datatypes is not supported. You need to typecast it to achieve the same.
[code lang=”python”]num=1
word = ‘One’
print(str(num) + " in words is " + word)[/code]
Output: 1 in words is One
In the above example, variable-num is typeCasted to String and concatenated with subsequent strings.