Binary Search
is a fast & efficient algorithm to search an element in sorted list of elements.
It works on the technique of divide and conquer.
Data structure: Array
Time Complexity:
Worst case: O(log n)
Average case: O(log n)
Best case: O(1)
Space complexity:
Let’s see how it can implemented in Scala with different approaches –
Iterative Approach –
Recursion Approach –
Tail Recursion –
Driver Program-
val arr = Array(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7) val target = 7
println(binarySearch_iterative(arr, target) match { case -1 => s"$target doesn't exist in ${arr.mkString("[", ",", "]")}" case index => s"$target exists at index $index" }) println(binarySearch_Recursive(arr, target)() match { case -1 => s"$target doesnt match" case index => s"$target exists at $index" }) println(binarySearch_tailRec(arr, target) match { case -1 => s"$target doesnt match" case index => s"$target exists at $index" })