
Program to print triangle pattern using Scala

Write a program to Print below triangle pattern using Scala?

Using Scala functional style of programming it’s very easy to use print patterns than Java. Below is the code for printing the same using Scala for loops.

Approach 1 –

[code lang=”scala”]object PrintTriangle {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
for(i < – 1 to 5){
for(j <- 0 to i){

Approach 2 –

[code lang=”scala”]object PrintTriangle{
def main(args: Array[String]) {
for(x <- 1 until 6) { println("#" * x) }


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An Ambivert, music lover, enthusiast, artist, designer, coder, gamer, content writer. He is Professional Software Developer with hands-on experience in Spark, Kafka, Scala, Python, Hadoop, Hive, Sqoop, Pig, php, html,css. Know more about him at

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