The techniques used for search engine optimization (SEO) are generally grouped under the hat jargon: White hat seo, Grey hat seo and Black hat seo.
While the white hat seo are considered as acceptable seo techniques, the black hat seo techniques are considered unethical.
White Hat SEO:
White Hat SEO is the best approach to optimizing a website. The overall strategy is to create a well-coded website for search engines to read and understand.
For example, if a user found a website and decided it was interesting they may write an article about it, discuss it on a forum or mention it on their blog. White Hat seeks to accelerate this process by writing articles, entering forum discussions or blogging as separate people to the website itself. The idea is to create enough buzz about the website to get the momentum rolling after which normal users will begin creating further links. However, if the site is not generally popular, search engine optimization will have to be carried out on a continuous basis to maintain an impression that it is popular.
Grey Hat SEO:
Grey Hat SEO is the tricky approach which does not break any search engine rules but bends them, to say the least. It is a mix of both White Hat and Black Hat makes you a Grey Hat practitioner.
An example might be paid links. You are trying to fool the search engines into thinking your website is popular because links appear in a variety of places around the internet. However these are not links added by other webmasters who genuinely like your site, they are being paid to do so.
Black Hat SEO:
Black Hat SEO is the illegal approach which breaks search engine rules but tries to hide this fact so the website is not banned.
An example could be a “doorway page” which is a website page optimized for a specific keyword that then redirects the user to a different page which has nothing to do with that keyword. Black Hat work is automated it can be done by computer software and so it is initially much, much cheaper that White Hat.