
Ways to create DataFrame in Apache Spark [Examples with Code]

Ways to create DataFrame in Apache Spark – DATAFRAME is the representation of a matrix but we can have columns of different datatypes or similar table with different rows and having different types of columns (values of each column will be same data type). When working with Spark most of the times you are required to create Dataframe and play around with it. DATAFRAME is nothing but a data structure which is stored in memory and can be created by following ways – 1)Using Case Class 2)Using createDataFrame method 3)Using SQL method 4)Using read..load methods i) From flat files(JSON, CSV) ii) From RDBMS Databases 1)Using Case Class val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc) import sqlContext.implicits._ case class Employee(name: String, sal: Int) Below is the sample...

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