
How to connect to Snowflake from AWS EMR using PySpark

As a ETL developer, we need to transport data between different platforms/services. It involves establishing connections between them. Below is one such use-case to connect Snowflake from AWS. Here are steps to securely connect to Snowflake using PySpark – Login to AWS EMR service and connect to Spark with below snowflake connectors pyspark --packages net.snowflake:snowflake-jdbc:3.11.1,net.snowflake:spark-snowflake_2.11:2.5.7-spark_2.4 Assumption for this article is that secret key is already created in AWS secrets manager service with SnowFlake credentials. In this example, consider the secret key is ‘test/snowflake/cluster’ Using boto3 library connect to AWS secrets manager and extract the snowflake credentials into json object. Sample code snippet below – def ge...

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