
All about AWK command in Unix – Part 1

select column data
-Search data in file and print data on console
-Find data of specific columns
-Format output data
-Used on file with bulk of data for searching, conditional executions, updating, filtering

Command 1
Print specific columns

awk '{print $1}' file.txt

by default TAB seperator

awk '{print $1 "--" $2}' file.txt

Command 2 –
select all data from table
awk '{print $0}' tabfile.txt

Command 3-
select columns from CSV
awk -F "," '{print $1}' commafile.txt

1.Seperating data using -F
awk -F "," '{print $1}' commafile.txt
2.Using variable (FS)
awk '{print $2}' FS="," commafile.txt

Command 4-
Display content without displaying header of file
awk 'NR!=1{print $1 " " $2}' file.txt

NR is special variable
awk 'NR>2{print $1}' file.txt
awk 'NR>=2{print $2}' file.txt

Command 5-

Saving results of AWK command to file

awk -F "," '{print $1 " " $2}' commafile.txt > result.txt

Command 6 –
Row data filtering

awk -F "," '$1==1{print $1 "-"$2}' samplefile.txt
awk -F "," '$2=='sai'{print $1 "-" $2}' file.txt
awk -F "," '$3>1000{print $1 " " $2}' file.txt

Command 7 –
Defining Row filtering with logical OR [ || ]
awk -F "," '$1==2 || $3==2000{print $1 " " $2}' commafile.txt
awk -F "," '$3>400 || $1==1{print $1 " " $2}' commafile.txt

Command 8 –
Defining Row filering with logical AND [ && ]
awk -F "," '$2=='sai' && $3==100{print $0}' commafile.txt

Command 9 –
Display records where we have specific string anywhere in row.
awk -F "|" '/sai/{print $0}' tabfile.txt

Display records that not having particular pattern
awk -F "|" '!/pra/{print $0}' tabfile.txt

Command 10 –
Display records where we have specific string in specific column.
awk -F "|" '$2-/sai/{print $0}' tabfile.txt

Display records not having the specific string in column
awk -F "|" '$2!-/sai/{print $0}' tabfile.txt

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An Ambivert, music lover, enthusiast, artist, designer, coder, gamer, content writer. He is Professional Software Developer with hands-on experience in Spark, Kafka, Scala, Python, Hadoop, Hive, Sqoop, Pig, php, html,css. Know more about him at www.24tutorials.com/sai

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