
SED command in Unix/Linux with examples

SED – Stream Editor

Used to display & editing data
Editing options are – Insertion/Updation/Deletion
2 Types of Operations
– Lines Addressing
– Context Addressing
Line Addressing-

Command 1: Display line multiple times
sed '2p' file.txt
sed -n '3p' file.txt (specific line => -n)
sed -n '5p' file.txt

Command 2: Display last line[$]
sed '$p' file.txt (includes last line again along with original)
sed -n '$p' file.txt (Specific)

Command 3: Range of lines
sed -n '2,4p' file.txt

Command 4: Do not display specific lines
sed -n '2!p' file.txt
sed -n '2,4!p' file.txt
- do not display specific range of lines(!)

Context Addressing:

Command 1: Display lines having a specific word
sed -n '/Amit/p' file.txt
sed -n '/[Aa]mit/p' file.txt (Ignoring Case)

Command 2: Search lines and store in the file
sed -n '/[Aa]/p' file.txt
sed -n '/[Aa]/w result.txt' file.txt (Write to result.txt)

Command 3: Replace context from the file
sed 's/10000/1500/' file.txt
sed 's/hello/hi/' file.txt

Command 4: Replace multiple context in one command
sed -e 's/100/150/' -e 's/200/250/' file.txt

Command 5: Replace data by matching some condition
sed '/Sai/s/100/150/' file.txt
sed '/Msd/s/100/150/' file.txt [Check the match(Msd) and Substitute]

Command 6: Delete data
sed '/sai/d' file.txt
sed '/[Aa]mit/d' file.txt

Command 7: Add line to file
sed '1i welcome to 24tutorials' file.txt
sed '1i welcome to \n 24tutorials' file.txt [i- insert]

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An Ambivert, music lover, enthusiast, artist, designer, coder, gamer, content writer. He is Professional Software Developer with hands-on experience in Spark, Kafka, Scala, Python, Hadoop, Hive, Sqoop, Pig, php, html,css. Know more about him at www.24tutorials.com/sai

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